When should I invest in a Battery Strapping Tool?
When to invest in a Battery Strapping Tool Battery strapping tools are increasingly common in the industry. Many businesses have disallowed Steel Strapping on site for its safety hazards, leading to a rise in the use of plastic straps such as PET Strap, which is commonly joined with a Battery Strapping Tool. These tools are a significant investment, and we are often asked “at what point should I invest in one of these tools?”. We’ve broken down some of the advantages of the tool as follows: |
Faster Application
The speed of application is the biggest advantage of a battery strapping tool. When compared to a manual tool system (tensioner + crimping seal), you can expect to save between 1-3 minutes per strap depending on the operator. A simple time/cost calculation of how many strap joins are done per day will quickly show you how long it will take for the tool to pay for itself.
As a rule of thumb, if you are using your strapping kit daily, the Battery Strapping Tool will most likely be worthwhile investment purely from a financial perspective, before you even consider other advantages.
Ease of Training
Manual Strapping Tools can be confusing to use, and it can be difficult to train new or temporary staff on how to use them correctly. For this reason, many companies love the battery strapping tool as it is a simple push button operation, meaning even almost any person can quickly be trained on using the tool, and achieving a safe strapping job outcome.
Consistency of outcome
It is critical that strapping is done correctly- poor strapping job could result in a lost load, which could have dangerous and even fatal effects. Under Australian Chain of Responsibility laws, the company packing the load will be responsible for any such issues.
With a battery strapping tool, you will get a much more consistent strapping join regardless of the operator- giving you peace of mind that your load is safely secured.
No more buckles or seals
With other strapping types, a seal or buckle is typically required. These are another expense, and another product to maintain stock of. Murphy’s Law is you will run out of seals at the most unfortunate times when there are important orders needing to be despatched! With the Battery Strapping Tool, the welding function means that these seals/buckles are no longer required.
No Wastage
A Battery Strapping Tool cuts and welds the exact amount of strap required for the job, with very little strap overlap. In contrast, when doing using a manual system you will almost certainly have a 20-30 cm of overlap on each strap, which can add significant extra cost to your strapping operation as well as be wasteful to the environment.